I don't believe in horoscopes at all, but I always wonder how newspapers get theirs. I've always thought somebody just makes them all up right before they go to press, but they might have some sort of psychic astrologer or something consulting who makes them up for them.
The thing is, astrology was once a respected field. There wouldn't be any such study as astronomy if not for it. There are old manuals on reading the stars and making predictions that go all the way back to Ancient Greece when people used to lie out at night and try to see things in them. It's a little like medicine in that they got most of it wrong, but an actual study came out of it.
My idea is for a syndicated horoscope column that various newspapers could use, but the thing is my team of astrologers would - in no sort of serious way - actually sit up all night and look at the stars and then look at some of these existing guides for reading the stars and give predictions based on what was once considered evidence. I'd want three or four of them so there's going to be some disagreement on what things mean. One of the disclaimers they always have to give for astrology is that it's for "entertainment purposes only" and it's bound to be more entertaining reading a column of three people disagreeing about the horoscope than it is now. It's also probably going to be more accurate giving three or four predictions for every sign as well. What's more every now and then the column will have to say something like "It was cloudy last night, so we couldn't see anything. Here are last year's results. See if they're any use."
If my three full-time stargazers could sell the column to enough papers, they could do that for a living. They only need to do the five-day version too. For Saturday and Sunday I'd have readers write in with some predictions of their own which the 'professionals' would run with their thoughts and criticisms. Maybe even have a celebrity edition - Stars watching the Stars - for Sundays where this week's actor or singer takes a stab at it.
Here's an example of how my horoscope column would look:
Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 20): MERLIN: Well, I saw a meteor go through your constellation not long after sunset last night. According to my reference book, you've probably had some sort of change in your life lately, and you ought to take the opportunity to use some of your free time to take up a new hobby. CASSANDRA: Merlin would be right about that except he missed the fact that Mars is in opposition right now, so my book says you've probably had a new person enter your life. Watch out for them. They're going to be trouble. NOSTRADAMUS: You two really need to update your references. Of course that's what you'd think if you're reading the ancient Greek books, but according to mine from the Middle Ages meteors are trying to call attention to something, so there's something Pisces have been ignoring that they should pay attention to.
Aries (Mar 20-April 20): CASSANDRA: Things don't look good for you today. Your constellation was nearly obscured by clouds, so your future is dark and fuzzy. MERLIN: Well listen to miss gloom-and-doom! Clouds don't necessarily mean bad news. Maybe we're just not meant to know what's going to happen today. NOSTRADAMUS: Guys, I'm pretty sure clouds don't mean anything. According the computer images of the sky from the other side of the clouds, nothing happened in Aries tonight, so they will probably have a nice stable day like any other.
Taurus (April 20-May 21): NOSTRADAMUS: Good old Taurus. That's my sign. We're in for a nice financial windfall today, I think. Check the sidewalks for twenty-dollar bills. MERLIN: What's that based on? I didn't see anything in the sky that indicated money. Where's your proof? CASSANDRA: You didn't see anything? You didn't see that Pluto, the god of wealth, was moving towards Taurus today? I think Nostradamus is right.
Gemini (May 21-June 21): MERLIN: First of all, Pluto was god of the underworld; Plutus was the god of wealth. Didn't you ever read Dante? Secondly, Gemini is probably the one who's going to come into some money today because the Pleiades were close to Gemini and they represent the Muses, who inspire people. So Gemini might be getting a new job or something, and get some money from that. CASSANDRA: The Pleiades are always close to Gemini, Merle. They're on Taurus's shoulder. You can't really draw any conclusions from that. The fact that Saturn was in Gemini indicates some sort of change. NOSTRADAMUS: Hey, earlier you two agreed that meteors meant change. Now Saturn does too? Saturn was specifically the god of time and death, not just change. Maybe Geminis are going to have a death in their life. Or maybe just now's a good time for them to buy a new watch.
Cancer (June 21-July 23): CASSANDRA: It looks like a lucky day for Cancers. I'm not sure if it was just a clear sky or something on my telescope, but those stars seemed to be glowing extra bright tonight. NOSTRADAMUS: For once I agree with Cassie, but I couldn't really tell if it means good luck or bad luck. My books didn't agree. They might just stand out from the crowd today. MERLIN: I couldn't tell from that either, but I did check my crystal ball as well and it looks like a good day for them. Gee, we all agree. I hope we get this one right!
Leo (July 23-Aug 23): MERLIN: Now, with Mars in opposition to Pisces of course means it's in Leo. We've never agreed on what Mars indicates. According to letters from past readers, we've been quite wrong to insist it means some sort of personal conflict. On the other hand, that is what it says in the book. CASSANDRA: It could also mean someone else is going to have a conflict with a Leo, but I guess you can't have a conflict with a Leo without the Leo having conflict as well. NOSTRADAMUS: Guy, guys - Remember that meteor? Maybe Pisces and Leos ought to pay attention to each other. This might be a good time to resolve a conflict rather than watch for one.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 23): CASSANDRA: Always looking on the bright side, huh Nos? Well things don't always turn out so nice and rosy. On the other hand, Virgos look like they're going to have a nice day. With all the stuff going on in the rest of the sky, they don't look any different from yesterday. NOSTRADAMUS: Look, you read your own signs and I'll read mine. I did notice a change from yesterday, because Virgo wasn't visible until a few hours later. Maybe Virgos are going to oversleep. MERLIN: How is that helpful? By the time they read this, they're going to know whether they overslept or not.
Libra (Sep 23-Oct 23): MERLIN: All right, I didn't really have anything to offer on Virgo, but boy have I on Libra! Venus set in Libra so it looks like it might be the end of a relationship soon. Let's hope all goes well there. Maybe it won't be an important relationship. CASSANDRA: Merle you dope, that wasn't Venus; it was Jupiter. How can you get them mixed up? Jupiter setting is like the sun setting. It doesn't mean anything. I don't think Libras are going to have anything special happen. NOSTRADAMUS: Cassie's right; it was Jupiter. Sometimes Jupiter means happiness or freedom, though, so it could mean something's going to change their. Libras, lets hope you're not about to "become free" by losing your job, or you might lose a relationship along with it.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22): NOSTRADAMUS: Cassie, I know Scorpio's your sign, so watch out. There wasn't anything special in it last night, but there's something big coming next week. I can't tell what it is yet. I'll give you more details as they develop. MERLIN: Are you sure it was Jupiter? Venus is usually the one you see right after sunset. CASSANDRA: Yes, it was. Venus is brighter and whiter, and it was in Capricorn. For my fellow Scorpios, I didn't see anything big coming. Cite your evidence more, Nos. I didn't see anything in Scorpio myself, so let's hope it's an ordinary day.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 22): MERLIN: Late in the night I saw a second meteor in Sagittarius, so same as Pisces, you've probably had some sort of change in your life lately, and you ought to take the opportunity to use some of your free time to take up a new hobby. CASSANDRA: Really? I must have missed it. I was going to say Sagittarius has been stable for a few days now so if you're bored you might try to do something to get out of your rut. NOSTRADAMUS: Like take up a new hobby? They would both work. Bottom line, Sagittarius, you need to get out more.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20): CASSANDRA: Venus, known to Merlin as Jupiter, set in Capricorn, not Libra. As Merle said, this might signify the end of a relationship. I hope you're not afraid of loneliness. MERLIN: That's it? Off you go into the lonely bleak future? Geez you're a bring-down. If you do lose a relationship, maybe it won't be an important one, and even if it is, maybe it's because it wasn't right for you in the first place. Don't give up hope! NOSTRADAMUS: You know, Venus was goddess of other things besides love. Maybe something beautiful is about to come into your life. Don't panic about your relationships.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): NOSTRADAMUS: Finally we get to your sign, Merlin. Are you feeling sick? If so, it looks like better health is on the way! If not, well, maybe you're just going to feel a little better than usual. MERLIN: Yes, I have had a cold, but then it is winter. I hope it gets better soon. I couldn't see Aquarius last night because my neighbor left the porch light on and the light washed it out, so I'll rely on your observation. I guess they don't care that my job requires me to be able to see the sky at night. CASSANDRA: Depending on how often your telescope is pointed near their house, they might have done it on purpose. I didn't see anything affecting health, but I did read some good fortune for Aquarius in my own crystal ball, so maybe everything's going to be all right.
That's all for today! Keep those telescopes focused and your crystals clear!